Welcome to our November Newsletter! We hope you all are staying warm as the weather becomes colder. This fall, we’ve worked hard on our designs and are looking forward to an exciting and successful year ahead. Right now, we also focusing on developing our new driverless car, which we plan to have up and running by the end of the year. We’ve been working hard after ADRs and CDRs, and look forward to the challenges ahead. Keep reading to see what else is going on in our community!
There is still time to donate to our crowdfunding campaign! Thank you to everyone who has already helped us raise over half of our $10K goal. With your generous help, the money raised will help us achieve our ambitious goals. Financial support directly contributes to our pioneering driverless car project by enabling us to purchase crucial high-performance hardware and technologies, and we need your support! Your generous contributions, big or small, empower us to meet and exceed the rigorous demands of developing our T35 car and North America’s first autonomous electric formula style car.
A few weekends ago, we held Alumni Design Reviews. Team members were able to present their new ideas and projects and received constructive feedback about how to improve. A huge thank you to everyone who helped us review and provided feedback! We are working hard to implement our changes to help better our designs and car.
We had a lot of fun during our first drive of the year, and new members were able to experience the thrill of a drive for the first time! Goals of this drive included telemetry and gathering suspension data, and we’re looking forward to implementing that data into deciding new changes for our anti-roll bar and T35 design.
Thank you to alumni Ryan Bell who led us through a tour of Starbucks’ engineering office. We heard about user-centric based and root problem focused research and solutions. It was great learning about the design and testing process of products and services, and learning about design thinking.
Our battery cells need a home! The cells are what power our electric race car. We invite you to join Adopt a Cell program today to help provide a home for our battery cells. Adopters will receive a picture of and a thank you note from their cell! Watch this video to learn more!
We’ll be hosting our T35 Silent Auction on January 27th, from 4:00-6:30 PM at the Intellectual House. Not only can you help support funding for our T35 car, but also to bid for exciting packages, experiences, and items, and see our T34 car! More details to come!
root problem focused research is
Featured from left to right: Kevin Wang (administrative director), Esther Strathy (tech director), Brian Truong (operations director). We greatly appreciate the dedication they have to the team! To get to know them better, we asked them a few questions!
Esther: Redmond, WA.
Kevin: Kirkland, WA.
Brian: Renton, WA.
What is the most rewarding part about being a director?
Esther: Observing my team of both members and leads grow! I've been so blessed to have so many people pour both time and effort into mentoring me throughout my time on the team and it's exciting to now be in the position where my job is developing the members of my team and providing them the same opportunity to grow that's been given to me.
Kevin: Watching our members grow and learn throughout the year, supporting them as they create their own projects and take pride in what they have accomplished.
Brian: It's definitely being able to see all of the members grow as engineers and as people. They put in so much time and effort learning new concepts, working through problems, and finding their own paths, it's rewarding to see everyone develop throughout that process.
What is the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery today? (500 million)
Esther: First thing I'm doing if I win the lottery is paying tax on it. After that I'd like to take my family out to dinner, invest a fair portion, then donate the rest.
Kevin: I would buy a company. But it would have to be one that has steady revenue and future plans for growth. After purchasing my company I would donate the rest of the winnings to charity.
Brian: Retire my parents. Then charity probably, possibly some land with trees in some peaceful corner somewhere.
Which store would you choose for an unlimited shopping spree?
Esther: McMaster Carr.
Kevin: I would choose Nordstrom.
Brian: Costco tbh, decent amount of variety, good cost savings, and mangoes.