DONATE & gift matching

Since 1990, our team has brought together student engineers while gaining international recognition in Formula SAE. The team is funded in part by the University but a majority of our budget comes from donors and sponsors alike. Any, and all donations are appreciated.

We're a chapter of the SAE International nonprofit, which makes us eligible for donation matching!

Does your company gift match? If you are unsure, check here. This can double, or even triple, the effect of your donation!

Tax ID: 25-1494402

Are you planning to submit, or have submitted, a gift match through your company? Let us know by filling out the form!

We're a chapter of the SAE International nonprofit, which makes us eligible for donation matching!

Does your company gift match? If you are unsure, check here.

This can double, or even triple, the effect of your donation!

Our tax ID: 25-1494402

Are you planning to submit, or have submitted, a gift match through your company? Let us know by filling out the form!


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